TMJ / TMD is a chronic pain condition that affects many, especially young healthy individuals in their prime. Jaw discomfort can occur due to several issues, such as poorly aligned teeth/bite, injury, grinding teeth, pathologies, etc.

The most common symptoms are:


Jaw pain, tenderness, or swelling.


Sensitive teeth


Clicking, popping, or grating sounds when opening or closing your mouth.


Head, neck, shoulder, or back pain


Severe teeth wear

jaw (1)

Facial pain


Grinding or clenching your teeth.


Chronic headaches. (This is often mistaken for migraine)


Ear pain, Dizziness/Vertigo, tinnitus.


Jaw locks in an opened or closed position.

The above symptoms are often misdiagnosed as migraine, spondylitis etc. This has earned TMD the name “The Great Impostor Disease”. It therefore becomes important to identify the root cause and address it accordingly. It should be noted that medication plays a very limited role in the management of TMD.

The most common symptoms are:

The above symptoms are often misdiagnosed as migraine, spondylitis etc. This has earned TMD the name “The Great Impostor”. It therefore becomes important to identify the root cause, and address it accordingly. It should be noted that medications play a very limited role in the management of TMD.


Frequently Asked Questions

1What is TMD?

The joint between the temporal bone and the mandible (lower jaw) is known as the temporomandibular joint. In order to move the jaw, a complex network of nerves, muscles, and both TM joints need to act in harmony. This disorder affecting jaw movements is frequently painful and is called Temporomandibular Disorder or TMD.

2What Do TMD Treatments Cost?

Treatment for TMJ is not subject to set prices, as each individual is unique. 

Accordingly, treatment needs to be customized foe every person after proper assessment.

3Who is ideally qualified to treat TMD?

A dentist with specialized training and equipment in Neuro - Muscular Dentistry for TMD.

4What are the causes of TMD ?

An imbalance between the teeth, jaw joints (TMJ's) and chewing muscles is the most predominant cause for TMD. 

TMD can also be caused on by bruxism, head, neck, or jaw injuries.  

That said, there is a long list of other causes too, such as trauma and pathologies like arthritis etc that can cause TMD.


5What habits could aggravate the TMD disorder?

There are some habits that could increase the risk of developing TMD.

This includes night grinding of teeth during sleep, continuous use of chewing gum, teethth clenching that isn't necessary, biting of pencils, pens, and other hard things etc.

6How do we know whether we have TMD?

Common symptoms include severe headache /  migraine, pain spreading behind eyes, ears, jaw discomfort, pain in the face, neck, shoulder, ear, neck, and/or back, sleepiness, snoring, sleep apnoea, vertigo (dizziness) etc.

Any of these symptoms when seen in otherwise healthy individuals can be indicative of TMD.

7Are there any home remedies to relieve the pain of TMD?

No. This does not address the root cause.

TMD needs to be assessed and treated ideally by a dentist with specific equipment and training in neuromuscular dentistry.

Pain killers and home remedies will not address the problem.